Old Worn Out Sheet?
Take those old sheets and you can do one of two things. 1. Cut sheets into 2" wide strips and use for wrapping wounds or liniment 2. If...

First Aid Kit List

Baking Soda Uses
Baking soda (sodium bicarbonate) is inexpensive and found in any grocery story. It has myriad uses and performs as well as many...

Wilmar Anti-Fatigue Mat for Pad Inserts in Medicine Boots
When my mare mechanically foundered, shoes hurt her worse, so we started using Davis Medicine Boots and pads made from this product. The...

Puppy Pad Uses
Cut to fit use to wrap outside of a bandage to help any leaks and to semi weather proof the horse's wound area. Got a small area you want...

Sugardine Recipe for Wounds
What is Sugardine (or Sugardyne)? By Adrianne Lake Sugardine is an economical and easy to make first-aid treatment that has many uses in...

Rain Rot?
With all the rain some folks have seen the old nemisis rain rot is likely to show itself. When I noticed the little clumps I have used...