Alum Powder
Alum powder has been used forever in wound treatments of horses. When a wound gets soggy, clean and put alum and wrap! I was told it was...

Over the Counter Triple Antibiotic Cream
Horse got a scratch or wound? An inexpensive way to keep infection out! Always check with your vet before using! Use a small amount in a...

Adolph's Meat Tenderizer or Non Spiced Meat Tenderizer
A vet taught me this one after a mare of mine got a nasty cut above her eye and was forming proud flesh. He told me to clean the site and...

Old or New Tube Socks
I got teased back in the 80's over this but today it has caught on! Got a sock who has lost it's mate? Holes in the toe? Well your horse...

Diaper Rash Cream
Horse had a bit of the runs and now has a raw area? Horse get sunburn easily on the faceA? Diaper Rash Cream works!!!! Cheap and easy to...

Kaopectate to the Rescue!!
Diarrhea in your horse? Can be used in young foals Check with your vet for dosing amounts!

Pepto Bismol to the Rescue!!!
Horse having gas colic? Two of my vets recommend using Pepto Bismol! If you don't have the horse Bismal on hand run to your local Dollar...

Multi Use for Diapers
Horse got an abscess? Wound? Talk about a great thing! Wrap the hoof in a diaper after cleaning and medicating for an abscess and place...

Multi Use for the Maxi Pads
Buy the cheap version and guys don't cringe it works well for wounds to absorb blood. Simply lay the pad part to the affected area,...

Ace Bandages
The reuseable wrap! From wounds to use in wraps of tendons. Cheap, washable and can be used with duct tape to close if you don't want to...