Wilmar Anti-Fatigue Mat for Pad Inserts in Medicine Boots

When my mare mechanically foundered, shoes hurt her worse, so we started using Davis Medicine Boots and pads made from this product. The vet is the one who told me why not put the pad in the boot instead of taping it on. So it was created.
The pads can be used longer than home insulation sheets, can be disinfected with Fabuloso.
Changing the boot every few days to inspect pad, or everytime the boot got wet I would add a new pad and soaked and dried the other pad in Fabuloso.
My mare recovered at an impressive rate that our farrier and vets can't believe. I believe if we had not done this that we would have lost our beloved mare, she returned to being rideable and happy. Retired in 2014 for just kids now :)
When she does get a bit sore we put the boots/pad combo back on and off she goes. We hope now we have done this for so many years that she may be able to take a shoe again.
Provides comfort and the pad comforms to the hoof nicely!
Take the pad remove the outer cut shown below. Then take a horse shoe that fits that horse and place it on the pad and draw the outside of the shoe. You can get many from one sheet.
Place pad into the Medicine Boot.
Save one as a template! We let her remain in the boots for months at a time, a day or two out to freshen and air out the hoof.. Note you may want to have the horse in a huge dry lot where they can move around but can't get the boot into a pond I am still looking for one boot :)
I do boot both front feet in the boot/pad combo and have a second set of boots on hand in case the boots worn gets wet or needs disinfectant ie Fabuloso. I would clean my boots when they got wet or every week if dry boots.
My mare seemed so comfortable in this combo. Great for sore hooves, founder, laminitic horses!