Home Made Misting Fan
Check out the how to at Horse and Man

Winterizing Your Water Source- Frost Free Hyrdrant
Pool noodles and duct tape! I would also put a bucket with padding over the hydrants handle to be on the safe side! Always have a small...

Weeble Wobble this jump don't fall down!
If you work with horses learning to jump this would be an awesome idea. Check it out HERE

Do It Yourself Porta Potty
. Weither you be at a show, for your barn or in your tornado shelter this can come in handy! You take a bucket, a section of pool noodle,...

Homemade Air Conditioner
You can see how HERE Office in your barn? Horse needs immediate cooling down and fan isn't enough? At a show? Wow the possibilites are...

Solar Stock Tank

No Access To Electrical To Run A Heater To Your Horse's Water Tank
The milk jug is half full of salt water. So it floats and doesn't freeze. The horses push the jug down to access the water. Adding more...

How To Make Your Own Horse Blanket
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