Popcicles to the Rescue
Keep these at your local show, major show or event. Should your horse need icing on the legs a simple wrap with these and instant cool!

Monostat 7 for Horses?
I had to sit back and go whoa myself but owner says it works for their horses who have damaged eyes. They say if the eye gets whitish in...

There are a number of homeopathic remedies for horses but some of the more common ones are: Arnica can help with wound, tendon, and...

Black Drawing Salve Recipe
Black drawing salve is a natural remedy I first heard about when visiting a local Amish community to pick up produce and eggs. I saw one...

Plantain Salve
Plantain is sometimes called the “band aid” plant. Helpful for: Bee/wasp stings Spider bites Mosquito and other bug bites Poison...

Baking Soda Uses
Baking soda (sodium bicarbonate) is inexpensive and found in any grocery story. It has myriad uses and performs as well as many...

Sugardine Recipe for Wounds
What is Sugardine (or Sugardyne)? By Adrianne Lake Sugardine is an economical and easy to make first-aid treatment that has many uses in...

Witch Hazel For Horses
Witch Hazel has several uses in the horse world check out these! READ MORE