Budget Shelter/Storage
Reesie McGuigan Facebook

How to make a horse shelter/storage shed on a budget. Brought you to by: Redneck Ingenuity
I used: 4 t-posts 3 corral panels 3 cattle panels 1 large heavy duty tarp. (I forget the dimensions of the one I used but I think it might have been 15x19') A whole bunch of zip ties. Heavy duty ones are necessary to hold it securely. (I used the little 11" ones to quickly set things in place then went back with the big, thick 24" ones) 1 Pack of T-post caps (don't want the t-posts poking through the tarp!) Duct tape (to reinforce edges and corners and prevent tarp from fraying)
Connect your corral panels, then drive t-posts at each corner. Secure the panels to the posts. Put first cattle panel at the back and zip to the gates. Add 2nd and 3rd cattle panel, overlapping. Lots of zip ties! (Helloo, Harbor Freight!)
Then add the tarp to the top. I added a second, smaller tarp to cover the opening at the back and got a truck load of screenings to keep it dry underneath. It's a little ugly but solid and relatively cheap. You could probably add some plywood to the sides to further insulate it