Insulate Water Trough

This is what we did!
I have a submergible plug-in that is thermostat controlled heater for my water bucket in the winter. I live on top of a hill exposed to the elements and wind. I always come out with a layer of ice on top of the water trough. It's always makes me nervous because I have an older horse that doesn't drink enough water.
I tried putting two water heaters inside the trough and I still came out with a layer of ice. Sometimes 2 inches thick
So we decided to put our water trough inside a 55 gallon drum cut in half and sprayed in between the two with spray foam.
First we cut a piece of Styrofoam insulation less than an inch thick to line the bottom of the 55 gallon drum as pictured.
Put a trash bag on the water trough ( I believe it's a 14 to 16 gallon water trough something you can get from your local feed store or Tractor Supply) to keep the spray foam from sticking to the water trough so that way I can pull it out for the summer. Because I don't need it insulated during the summer.
Slid the water trough inside the 55 gallon drum and but a weight inside the trough to hold it in place while we sprayed the liquid foam around filling in the gap between the two.
I already had all these materials except for the liquid spray foam. 😊 And I have yet to come outside to an iced over water trough!
Also we put small holes( holes were plugged afterwards when the process was done) on the sides of it to reach in and spray because it was a tight fit to reach in some spots. Afterwards we waited for it to cure and the foam expanded about an inch wide all the way around.
If you liked our idea please share!