Davis Medicine Boots
These boots were a lifesaver for our mare during a laminitis/founder, when she gets a bit sore we just boot her up with home made pads as...

Pool Noodle Hose
A great idea I found on Facebook, Galloping Grape was the page it was on. What a novel idea!!!

Popcicles to the Rescue
Keep these at your local show, major show or event. Should your horse need icing on the legs a simple wrap with these and instant cool!

Mud Scrubbers
Sunkissed Acres

Budget Shelter/Storage
Reesie McGuigan Facebook How to make a horse shelter/storage shed on a budget. Brought you to by: Redneck Ingenuity I used: 4 t-posts 3...

Insulate Water Trough
This is what we did! I have a submergible plug-in that is thermostat controlled heater for my water bucket in the winter. I live on top...

Home Made Misting Fan
Check out the how to at Horse and Man

Keep Ice Out of Your Horse's Hooves
Here are a few of those ideas!! Vaseline on the underside Any type of Silicon detangler or any detangler such as Cowboy Magic or Straight...

Keep those baby wipes on hand
Baby wipes are awesome in your arsenal of horse supplies. Have a mare who gets a little messy during her heat cycle or has a bit of the...