Monostat 7 for Horses?
I had to sit back and go whoa myself but owner says it works for their horses who have damaged eyes. They say if the eye gets whitish in...

Winterizing Your Water Source- Frost Free Hyrdrant
Pool noodles and duct tape! I would also put a bucket with padding over the hydrants handle to be on the safe side! Always have a small...

Tree Tea Oil as a soak for Abscesses!
Recently my horse went lame then dead lame, she had what we thought was a spain bur after the yellow junk came out we knew there was an...

Another Way to Put Fly Spray On!
"Horse hack number two: here's a good way to get Wipe-type fly spray onto your horse. You're supposed to fill this with dishwasher...

Another Deworming Trick!
"So when you have unhandled horses that won't let you halter them, you are posed with all sorts of issues. One of which is, how do you...

Household Items You Can Use on Your Horses From Horse City. Com
For the list click HERE

Homemade Grooming Wipes Recipe
3/4 cup Distilled water 1/4 cup Witch Hazel 1 tsp. Fractionated Coconut Oil Essential Oils (optional, but a nice touch. I like...

Homemade Coat Conditioner with Coconut Oil
Homemade Coat Conditioner with Fills a 16 oz spray bottle 2 tbs. Fractionated Coconut Oil 2 tsp.Vegetable Glycerin 1 tsp. Witch Hazel ...