Monostat 7 for Horses?
I had to sit back and go whoa myself but owner says it works for their horses who have damaged eyes.
They say if the eye gets whitish in color just put Monostat 7 Give monostat 2 times a day for 7 days also give 10ccs bani mine for a couple days
Here is their post to me about it.
Bluer or white? If white. But monostat 7 in eye stat. Same as.we use for vaginally yeast infections
Like · Reply · 2 hrs
Really? Please enlighten me please.....
Like · Reply · 1 hr
I have two horses with damaged eyes. Every now and then they go completely white from yeast infections. White over entire eye. Monostat drops will be prescribed by vet at about$ 200 per tiny bottle. It won't last the entire treatment. Monostat 7 is the same thing on cream. Safe for the eye 7.99 and lasts for the entire treatment. A must for first aid kit. The yeast causes pressure in the eye so Bana mine for pain
Unlike · Reply · 1 · 55 mins
Usually caused from imperfection in cornea or scratch
Like · Reply · 43 mins
If the vet is slow to respond. Use it. It helps and dows.not hurt the horse
So here is another awesome home remedy you can purchase at the store!
Thank you Cav Trooper Rav